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Computer jobs

Computers are probably one of the most fascinating tools that have ever been invented, so it’s not really surprising that many people feel drawn into careers involving computers. There are many types of computer jobs, so you can find one particular job that matches your own interest and skill set.

Here are some typical computer jobs you may want to consider:

  1. Computer engineer or technician. This job requires you to deal with computer hardware. You may be part of a team that designs or manufactures computer parts or entire computers, or you may be in charge of computer maintenance and repair.
  2. Computer programmer. This is one of the demanding jobs in the computer industry, although it is also very popular. You’ll need to master programming languages so that you can help come up with a computer program, or to make modifications to one.
  3. Web designer. Your job would be to create a website that serves the needs of your clients. Often your clients will be a business enterprises, so you’ll need to make sure that the website can actually make sales and turn website visitors into customers.
  4. Database specialist. Here your job will be to create a database for your client or company, and you’ll need to maintain it too. You’ll also have to constantly test it too, and you will have to focus on its usability, stability, and of course its security.
  5. Data entry. This is a rather low-level job reserved mostly for beginners. It’s a bit like being a typist or a secretary, and you job needs you to types in the data in the database.
  6. Network administrator. A single computer network may be easy to take care of, but a network of interconnected computers is another matter entirely.
  7. Computer security expert. Your job will be to make sure that sensitive data are kept safe from hackers and from accidental destruction. You’ll need to constantly monitor your computer system so that others won’t access your data.
  8. Graphics designer. This is all about pictures, logos, and videos. Not only do you need the skill to use a computer graphic program, but you also have to be artistic. This is a very general area of computer jobs, and you can specialize further by specializing in either pictures or in animations.
  9. Internet freelancer. You can work as a freelance content provider so that websites can have articles they need, or you can work as a virtual assistant doing lots of different tasks for your boss. You can deal with your employer’s email, for example, and set up schedules and also do some research online.
  10. Computer sales. Your job is to sell computers or accessories to customers. You’ll have to be conversant about hardware specs so that people will trust your recommendations.
  11. Customer service. Your job will be to help customers deal with their computer problems. It’s like being a computer technician, except you have to tell your customers what to do.
  12. SEO specialist. Here your job is to make sure that your client’s website appears on the first page of Google result,

These are just a dozen jobs, and there are probably plenty more out there. It just goes to show that if you are really interested in working with computers, there’s a job waiting for you.

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Computer jobs – Computer Careers

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Computer jobs – computer training

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